amika's safety testing results published

As a brand, one of our main priorities is to create effective, trustworthy products that you can enjoy without worrying about your health or safety. This means that each product goes through intense testing—from ingredients to packaging—to ensure that by the time they reach you, you’re getting the best of the best.
Another priority of ours is transparency. That’s why we’ve decided to publish each of the safety tests our products go through: what they are, why we care, how they’re measured, and which products the tests are done on. Keep reading to learn more.
- 1,4-dioxane
- heavy metals
- benzene
- human repeat insult patch testing (hript)
- formula stability
- packaging compatibility
- preservative efficacy
- microbial analysis

What it is: During this test, the final formulations of our products get tested via gas chromatography flame ionization detector (GC-FID) to detect the presence of 1,4-Dioxane.
Why we care: 1,4-Dioxane is a potential human carcinogen* and is often an impurity in ethoxylated ingredients. New York state issued a regulation to limit concentration in personal care products to 1 ppm (parts per million) by December 31, 2023.
How it’s measured: The goal is to be less than 0.4 ppm, but anything under 1 ppm is acceptable. 1 ppm and more is considered not passing.
Which products get tested: all products
Results: All amika products have been tested and have come back with no detectable levels of 1,4-Dioxane (<0.4 ppm).
*Carcinogens are known to be capable of causing cancer
heavy metals
What it is: During the heavy metals test, the final formulations of our products are tested via inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) for the presence of heavy metals (specifically, Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead, and Mercury).
Why we care: Heavy metal contaminants can be found in all personal care and cosmetic products, but are especially prevalent in artificial colorants. Since heavy metals in high concentrations are considered toxic, we ensure our formulas have well below the acceptable concentrations.
How it’s measured:
- Arsenic: <3 ppm
- Lead: <0.5 ppm
- Mercury: <1 ppm
- Cadmium: <0.3 ppm
Which products get tested: Bust Your Brass Cool Blonde Repair Shampoo, Bust Your Brass Cool Blonde Repair Conditioner, Bust Your Brass Cool Blonde Repair Mask, Supernova Blonde Violet Moisture & Shine Cream.
Results: All listed products in the market have been tested and have come back well below the acceptable limits.

What it is: During this test, our final formulations are tested via gas chromatography flame ionization detector (GC-FID) for the presence of benzene.
Why we care: Benzene is a known human carcinogen* often found in aerosols. The FDA sets a tolerance level at 2 ppm for pharmaceuticals, but doesn’t currently have a tolerance for cosmetics.
How it’s measured: Our internal goal is to be less than 0.1ppm, but anything between 0.1 ppm and 2 ppm is acceptable. Everything over 2 ppm does not pass.
Which products get tested: All aerosol products—perk up dry shampoo, perk up plus extended clean dry shampoo, un.done volume & matte texture spray, fluxus touchable hairspray, headstrong intense hold hairspray, the shield anti-humidity spray, plus size perfect body hair mousse, top gloss shine spray (note: this does not include Reset Shampoo and Conditioner. They are BOV* so they do not release propellant/nor does the product touch propellant)
Results: All aerosols in market have been tested and have come back with no detectable levels of benzene (<0.1 ppm).
*Carcinogens are known to be capable of causing cancer
*Bag-on-valve: A unique pressurized package option that separates the propellant from product. The product is typically liquid and comes in a bag inside of the can.
human repeat insult patch testing (hript)
What it is: The human repeat insult patch testing is a 6-week study with at least 50 volunteers. During the test, product gets applied repeatedly onto the skin to see if there is a visual reaction. The test is conducted over 6 weeks so the body has time to build an immune response to any allergens, if present. Then, a dermatologist confirms the product’s safety at the end of the 6-week period.
Why we care: Although we can't address any allergy concerns directly, we want to ensure that our products are clinically tested to be non-irritating.
How it’s measured: The goal is for there to be no sensitization. If any participants come back with reaction(s), we will review the product warnings and targeted consumer groups to ensure we are minimizing risk of adverse events.
Which products get tested: Some of our products come into contact with skin more than others, but just to be safe, all are tested.
Results: All products passed HRIPT testing, meaning they are non-irritating to the skin.*
*The following are still in testing: the closer
formula stability
What it is: During this test, the final formulation is packaged in a glass jar and placed in both an ambient and a heated chamber. The ambient chamber represents real storage conditions, and the heated chamber represents an accelerated storage condition. Relevant formula specifications (appearance, odor, viscosity, pH, color, specific gravity.) are monitored at 0, 1, 2 and 3 months.
Why we care: It is important to know if the formula itself remains stable throughout its lifespan. Although a formula can appear stable at the time of production, reactions can occur over time.
How it’s measured: There is no specific threshold for how this test is measured; only pass/fail.
Which products get tested: All products
Results: All products passed formula stability.
packaging compatibility
What it is: During this test, the final formulation is packaged in its final container and placed in both an ambient and a heated chamber (similarly to the formula stability test you just read about). The ambient chamber represents real storage conditions, and the heated chamber represents an accelerated storage condition to represent longer periods of time without having to actually wait years. Relevant formula specifications (appearance, odor, viscosity, pH, color, specific gravity) are monitored, as well as packaging reactions and functionality, at 0, 1, 2 and 3 months.
Why we care: Sometimes, certain reactions can occur between formulas and their packaging materials and general environments. This test is set up in the same way as the formula stability test (read up on that below) but in addition to observing formula specifications, packaging specifications are also monitored.
How it’s measured: There is no specific threshold for how this test is measured; only pass/fail.
Which products get tested: All products except those packaged in glass (water sign hydrating hair oil, glass action universal elixir, blockade heat defense serum, dream routine hydrating overnight treatment).
Results: All products passed packaging compatibility.
preservative efficacy
What it is: During the preservative efficacy test, our formulas are injected with various bacteria and mold strains, and then their concentrations are monitored over the course of 28 days. A passing test would indicate no growth of fungi strains and reduced concentrations of bacteria strains. The industry-known standard that we follow is USP* 51.
Why we care: Preservatives help prevent bacteria and molds from growing in our products. This test ensures that the preservative system is actually working.
Which products get tested: All products unless they are exempt (due to below conditions):
- Products that do not contain water
- Products with pH <3 or >10
- Products with more than 20% alcohol concentration
- Product packaged in pressurized containers, pump dispensers, or single-dose units.
How it’s measured: This test will either pass or fail, which is based on the increase, or lack thereof, of bacteria after 28 days.
Results: All products (that are not exempt) passed preservative efficacy testing.
*The Essentials of United States Pharmacopeia Chapter
microbial analysis
What it is: During this test, our formulas are tested after each production for Aerobic Plate Count (which is the total number of aerobic bacteria present per mL/g) and Yeast and Mold Count (total number of yeast and fungi present per mL/g). Additionally, formulas are tested for the presence and absence of specified microorganisms. The industry-known standard that we follow is USP* 61+62.
Why we care: Preservatives help prevent bacteria and molds from growing in our products. This test ensures that the bacteria and mold concentrations are within standards at the time of production.
How it’s measured: This test will either pass or fail, which is based on the increase, or lack thereof, of bacteria after 28 days.
Which products get tested: All products
Results: All products passed Microbial Analysis.
*The Essentials of United States Pharmacopeia Chapter