Viewing 12 of 189 articles
rooted in growth 2023 grant program graphic
amika universe

meet the recipients: amika x SoGal Foundation Rooted in Growth Startup Grant Program 

amika has always championed diversity and inclusivity—but as we grew increasingly aware of the inequ...
shelfie with different amika products

how to build a hair routine

We all want our haircare routine to bring out the best in our strands—whether it’s enhancing tight t...
the wizard silicone-free detangling primer

spray your way to help HairToStay

To celebrate another year of partnership with HairToStay, our bestselling the wizard silicone-free d...
hydro rush shampoo and conditioner and the kure shampoo and conditioner

how to tell if your hair is dry or damaged

your strand symptoms: brittle, dull, hay-like hair. the diagnosis: here’s where it gets
blonde person posing
how to

how to keep your blonde cool in summer

If you’re a summer person, the minute the weather takes a turn for the ‘80s, you’re ready to strip d...
bust your brass cool blonde shampoo and conditioner and supernova blonde moisture and shine cream
how to

blonde collection spotlight: how to keep your blonde brass-free

Here at amika, we are a friend to all. A friend to hair, hairstylists, to her, him, them, and you. W...
mirrorball high shine + protect antioxidant shampoo and conditioner

sun + sand while protecting your strands

Ahh, summer. The season of sunshine, sun-kissed skin, bright highlights, and beachy waves. It’s also...
shopping basket filled with curl collection and hydration collection products
how to

how to deeply moisturize your curls, coils + kinks 

Welcome to our curly hair routine series!  Textured hair needs 4 main things to thrive: styling, st...
three soulfood nourishing mask jars

5 ways to cure your dry, winter hair woes

It’s only fitting that this article is currently being written on New York’s first official snow day...
black square
amika universe

A Letter to our Community: Allyship and our Company’s Promise

As a brand that prides itself on being a friend to all, we had to use our voice to talk about the ra...
amika and farmacy products
how to

scalp is skin too, how are you taking care of yours?

By now, most of us have heard of “double cleansing” when it comes to skin. Generally, an oil-based p...
Naeemah LaFond - amika Global Artistic Director
amika universe

spotlight on: Naeemah LaFond, amika Global Artistic Director

Though amika’s Global Artistic Director, Naeemah LaFond, may have started undergrad studying biomedi...