Viewing 12 of 70 articles

multi-mask your way to the hair of your dreams
Popsicles, soft-serve ice cream, sweating in Central Park, humid subway stations...sounds like New Y...
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how an amika friend found her perfect routine for healthy hair
Today, we thought we would do a little q+a, which isn’t really something we’ve done here yet on The ...
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how to hydrate, strengthen, and protect your curls, coils, and kinks
Welcome to our curly hair routine series!
Curls, coils, and kinks au naturel can sometimes be hard...
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7 steps to a voluminous hair look
what if your most voluminous, big-bodied hair was just a handful of products and easy-to-achieve ste...
ride that summer hair wave all year round: NEW high tide jumbo deep waver
We don’t know about you, but as summer starts to slowly wind down—even if New York weather says othe...
how different hair types use amika’s hydro rush collection
For those who didn’t know, amika now has a hyaluronic acid-infused hydration collection (AKA, our hy...
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how to add volume to your hair
strands falling flat? are your roots struggling to lift and *really* hit those high notes? maybe you...
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how to revive flat + limp hair: a guide
If you’re someone that has fine hair, you know how much of a struggle it can be to get your strands ...
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how to bring your curls back to life: power hour curl refreshing spray
Keeping waves, curls, coils, and kinks poppin' in between wash days can be quite the feat. Dryness, ...
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guide to protecting everything from the summer sun
Ahh…summer. There are endless pros to the warm weather season (hello beach days and sundresses!), bu...
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4 steps to helping your blonde, silver, and gray hair recover from summer damage
Let’s be honest, no two haircare routines are the same. They’re customizable, unique, and curated fo...
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beach wave fails and how to avoid them
Beach waves are to summer what florals are to spring, not groundbreaking, but essential nonetheless....